Hurrah, basically!
The Rampants are very pleased for Jade. We feel somewhat proprietorial towards him since we first saw him wandering about the Oval car park in his skins after the previously mentioned 2007 championship game against Lancashire.
Progress has been made slowly but surely by Dernbach over the last few years; certainly I noticed a marked difference in him when I last saw him play in 2010. He seems to exude a definite sense of confidence and maturity these days...possibly the hot-headedness of youth has been tempered with time and experience, but that raw skill first displayed for Surrey at the age of 17 now appears to have developed to another level.
I still hope we’ll have the pleasure of seeing him at the Oval: with both Tremlett and Dernbach potentially on England duty the onus will be put squarely back on Chris Jordan to propel Surrey back to the upper echelons of county cricket. But whilst Woakes can perhaps feel slightly aggrieved that he wasn’t chosen this time as a replacement for the injured Shahzad, this is Jade’s chance to shine and be noticed. What an incredible moment for him, and all those who have helped him progress to this level. They must be very proud!
I’ll stop now because I’ve realised I sound like my mum on the rare occasions I do anything noteworthy. Not that I’ll ever represent my country at cricket: I couldn’t even represent Scotland at Connect 4 or Buckaroo...
Anyway, well done Mr Dernbach, sir!
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