This is a new feature I’m introducing to the blog. As discussed earlier, the Rampants come from all over the UK, support many teams, and enthuse over various players. There may well be a subtle Surrey bias (if there isn’t then I’m not doing my job correctly as it’s my blog). And having admitted that, I’m starting off with Usman Afzaal.
You might think that an interesting choice, because I know in the past Mr Afzaal’s fielding has come in for a little bit of a pasting. Fair enough: we can’t all be Ussain Bolt. However, not only is the Surrey batsman a very handy extra bowler of spin, rapidly approaching 100 first class wickets, but he has a special talent. You see, Usman Afzaal is half man, half airplane.
It’s become apparent that on the occasions Mr Afzaal get’s a wicket, he dusts off his best ‘Jimbo’ impersonation. The arms transform themselves into wings, the landing gear comes up, and then ‘chocks away’ – he’s tearing up the ground and straight towards poor Mr Ramprakash (probably still hiding on the Gasometer) for a hug. No doubt fearing for his rib cage, Mr Ramprakash more often than not is forced to find something to hide behind or take evasive action.
As a big fan of bromance and buddy movies, the whole Rafzaal interaction is extremely amusing. It’s like Brokeback Mountain, but minus the romance. Or the cowboys. Or even the mountains. One can hardly criticise anyone for running away from an oncoming Boeing 747, but at least Ramps should be safe enough until Mr A perfects his ‘Budgie the Little Helicopter’ impression.
In the T20 competition, the players get to choose their own music. I really want to hear Usman Afzaal walk onto the pitch to the strains of ‘Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines’.
Let's hear it for Usman Afzaal!
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