On May 16th 2008, ‘Mystic’ Miah had a dream. Coming from a long line of witchy-types on the distaff side, and having a track record of this kind of spooky predictory thing (notice it hasn’t resulted in winning a lottery jackpot), she declared roundly that the Ramprakash 100th Hundred would come against Yorkshire. Come the day of the match against Yorks at the Oval, everyone settled down to listen with eager anticipation.
In her dream she had quite definitely seen Darren Gough walking across the field of play to congratulate Mr Ramprakash, hence her certainty of the opposition. However, she had forgotten that Yorkshire and Surrey played each other twice...
It was with some concern therefore that she noted on the day of the Oval match that the aforementioned Darren Gough was not down to play in the game. And sure enough, Ramps did not manage to get remotely anywhere near his much longed-for century.
“If that's the case,” one of the Rampants ventured, “it's a case of waiting til the end of July, then. *hoping there is reason to doubt Miah's witchy powers*”
Well, Miah doesn’t say she’s never wrong about these things but she was fairly confident it was going to be Yorkshire. Which of course meant a trip to Headingly and a rather lengthy wait. The delay gave the press their chance to stick in the little knives and write their usual garbage. The man himself said that his dip in form was due to his favourite bat being broken. The press maintained that the pressure of the occasion got to him.
But of course, they didn’t realise the reason for the delay was simply because Darren Gough pulled out of the Oval game!
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