What’s not to like?
Firstly, he’s a pretty decent bowler. In fact he’s like a little piranha, the way that he keeps nibbling away at the wickets column. In 2011 he left a trail of mangled batsmen, bruised and broken in his wake. That Surrey made it back to division one was in no small part to his efforts, and he deservedly got the Ramprakash player of the year award. I say Ramprakash because frankly he’s won it so many times they may as well name it after him. But last year it belonged well and truly to Sir Timothy of Linley.
He’s obviously a class act. I mean, with a surname like Linley you have to be, don’t you? What name conjures images of good-breeding more than Linley? Unless he chose to add a double barrel to his name, and frankly Tim Linley-Linley would blow everyone’s minds...
But other than being the country’s most underrated bowler, all-round good egg and sharing his nickname with possibly the best character in Sesame Street, Linners has one other thing that makes people doff their hat in forelock tugging respect: he even has his own biscuit called after him. And that, dear folks, is the ultimate accolade a cricketer can receive.
Now, where’s that custard-colville gone? I feel a dunk coming on...
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