You know, we’ve all been rather swept away by this T20 lark. The Lions have their Lionesses, a group of young, beautiful, leggy ladies whose high-kicks could knock a fly into orbit. The Panthers similarly have their Pantherettes. But I think what we need now is a bit of sophistication...a modicum of ageless class and timeless beauty. So, what we’ve decided to do is get our heads together and come up with our own little support group.
To this end, we have formed The Rampettes.
In order to be a Rampette you must meet the following requirements:
Be able to kick above knee height without risking dislocation of joints
Rotate one’s ankles without resorting to cries of ‘lord, have mercy’
Carry off pink satin and bunny-ear combination to a comfortable degree
Flash pom-poms in unison with others
Be able to stick one leg in front of the other and take a giant step forward so that it looks vaguely like an attempt at splits
Star jump
But there is one final, killer prerequisite that sorts the women from the girls. Can you perform the actions to the Black Lace classic song ‘Agadoo’?
If you think you can push your pineapples in a relatively orderly manner, and can grind cofee and shake trees with the best of them, perhaps the Rampettes need you!
Think you’re up for the challenge?
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